For enquiries, if I’ve screwed up somewhere, if you wanna send me feedback, hate mail or anything in-between feel free to send me an email at squiddysbuses@gmail.com
Hey everyone, welcome to my site! I’m Squiddy, but most people in real life call me Ben!
The purpose of this site is to showcase my collection of images of Transperth buses. I had a very long commute on public transport from home to uni and was always looking for new ways to pass the time (as I’m sure many others can relate!). A couple years back I started to notice all the different types of buses in Perth and created a spreadsheet to track them all! But as I got more involved with that I started to realise that I actually quite enjoyed it, and wanted to take it further!
So in late 2017 I decided to embark on this project. To photograph every single bus in Perth! It’s a challenge as there are always new ones being delivered and old ones being retired, but I’m trying my best : D
So that the site doesn’t take up a million gigabytes of Squarespace storage and bankrupt me (and to save data for our mobile users) I’m only posting one image of each bus, even though I have several images for most buses on here (I usually post the best one, but I may make exceptions for particularly unusual observations).
And lastly, thanks to everyone who has helped me out over the years (you know who you are!). This project takes quite a bit of work and it wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support from you guys ❤❤❤ !
August 17, 2018: Hit the 1000 mark! Two-thirds complete!
December 10, 2018: 1200 buses down! More than 80% of the way there!
February 25, 2019: Almost finished! Only 25 left to go (More than 98% of Perth’s buses photo’d and listed!
May 8, 2019: Done!… kinda? 2132 was the last bus I needed! From this point onwards the only ‘new’ additions to the site will be new deliveries, regional buses and random withdrawn NHs that pop up occasionally.
September 18, 2019: Recognised by Transperth! 😍
November 2020 - Migrated site from Wordpress to Squarespace with a new look!
November 2022 - 2,000 different Transperth buses listed and photo’d!
Until Nov ’18: iPhone 6
Nov ’18 – Apr ’19: Nikon P510
Apr ’19 – Aug ‘23: Nikon D5600
Sept ‘23 - Present: Nikon D7500
small print
Be good to each other.
This site is non-commercial, it only exists to showcase my hobby and for informational purposes. I do not earn any income or other reward from this project.
While I’ve tried my best to ensure all information given on this site is accurate, it is all entered manually and I’m only human, and humans sometimes make mistakes. If you notice something that looks wrong I’d love to hear about it!
Any opinions expressed here are my own, I do not represent the Public Transport Authority, any bus operators, or any other related entities.
If you want to use these images for any non-commercial use you’re welcome to, but please give credit where it’s due (hence the watermarks, sorry!). If you would like non-watermarked images (within reason) feel free to flick me an email and I will see what I can do!
Singapore is a pretty cool place I go to every so often!
And I also take photos of trucks :)